Rainbow shark
Rainbow shark

They will also eat frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. They also eat live foods, such as insect larvae, tubifex worms, periphyton, crustaceans, phytoplankton, zooplankton and aquatic insects. Rainbow sharks are not picky herbivorous and omnivorous eaters, but are primarily consumers of algae in the form of tablets, wafers and flakes. They can also live with danios, loaches, plecos, rasboras, and gouramis. Rainbow sharks are compatible with barbs and rainbowfish, which are upper- and middle-tank dwellers. This fighting behavior involves head-and-tail butting, and also biting. Threat displays and fighting are likely to occur. They are known to be peaceful with their own kind in the wild but have been known to be aggressive with one another if kept together in a tank. Being bottom- and mid-level dwellers, they consume leftover fish food, but also eat the algae growing off surfaces. Rainbow sharks are tank-bottom and aquarium-surface cleaners.

rainbow shark

It closely resembles "normal" rainbow sharks in temperament and appearance, thus they share the same common names in the aquarium industry. The albino red-fin shark or albino rainbow sharkminnow is a variety of rainbow shark with a white body and red/orange fins. If you look at the base of their caudal fin you will notice they have a large black blotch. In addition to their dorsal fin they have a forked caudal fin, one pair of pectoral fins, one pair of ventral/pelvic fins and one anal fin. We will try to assist you inresolving whatever the issue may be.The Albino Rainbow Shark shark (Epalzeorhynchus frenatus 'Albino'), is a species of freshwater fish in the carp family, Cyprinidae. They are well known for their large raised dorsal fin. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept returns.We do recommend contacting us via email with yourorder number and as much information as possible. "I want to return my new fish because x,y,z?" After a few days, your new fish should be acting aswimming like they normally would.

rainbow shark

After this, expect your new fish to take a few daysto become fully adjusted, this includes hiding, floating at the top, sinking tothe bottom, and not eating. The products used within the water for shipping will notharm any existing fish within your tank and actually makes the transition foryour new fish a bit easier. After this time, you can add all of the fish and water that is in thebag into your tank. This allows the temperature withinthe bag to adjust to the same as your tank and will reduce temperature shock onthe fish. Like you would with any new fish, let the entire bag float in your tank for 15-30 minutes. "What do I do with my fish once I've unpacked them?" Itis always suggested to provide an area for the delivery person to place the boxthat is out of direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. While the fish are packaged to survive about 72+ hours within the shipping containers, we do ask that you make arrangements to arrive home to inspect your fish as soon as possible after they are delivered to your home. We will always provide you with a tracking number. "What if I'm not home when the fish arrive?" We will again, do everything in our power to resolvethe issue and ensure that you have a great experience with these fish. If you put the fish in your tank and it dies or is not acting properly, please contact us, with pictures, within 24 hours. We will reship any replacement fish at the buyer's expense. We will offer replacement fish for any losses, but do not offer refunds at this time. We do ask that if your fisharrives dead (DOA), submit a picture of the deceased fish that is in the bag.We will work quickly with you to resolve the problem. Fish are live animals and we cannot ensure that everyone will arrive alive or remain alive. While this is a rare occurrence, it can and willhappen from time to time. For some of our more rare orlarger fish, the picture listed may be the actual fish that you are receiving.If this is the case, it will be designated by ?WYSIWYG?, meaning ?what you see,is what you get?. Rainbow Shark Tropical Fish Learn all about the Rainbow Sharks feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Since we have a large quantity of most of the various species of fish, it would be understandably impossible to provide a picture ofevery individual fish with a specific species. In order to avoid causing a fight, it is best to. However, it is best to keep this type of shark in a tank with other similar-looking fish. This makes them attractive to both male and female aquarium owners. Unlike many other types of sharks, they have a distinctive striped pattern on their fins.

rainbow shark

We typically take photographs of one or two fish when we initially get them in. The rainbow shark is a beautiful, colorful fish. "The fish I received do not look like the fish in thepicture.

Rainbow shark